Product #: 180-835 & 180-831
Konk 418D
Pyrethrins 1.80%
Piperonyl Butoxide 10.00%
Konk 409D
Pyrethrins 0.975%
Piperonyl Butoxide 1.950%
N-Octyl Bicyclopheptene Dicarboximide 3.210%
Konk Air Deodourizers also can be used in the Konk Mister Kit
Follow the instructions on the can inside for placement of your Automatic Timed Release Konk Dispenser. The battery operated Konk Dispenser is designed for years of quiet, continuous use. The
Konk Dispenser discharges a time-release metered dose of chlorofluorocarbon-free (CFC-free) insecticide 24 hours a day, using replaceable pressurized cans. Konk Flying Insect Killer will
reduce flying insect poulations (flies, mosquitoes and gnats) within a few hours. One areosol can protects an area up to 170 cubic meters (6,000 cubic feet) for up to 30 days. Install the
Konk Dispenser at 2-3 metres (6-10 feet) above the floor and 15 cm (6 inches) below the ceiling making sure you follow the instructions on the can.
The Konk dispenser will also automatically dispense Konk Air Deodourizers. These deodourizers are available in a variety of delightful fragrances. The fragrances will control foul odours
while leaving behind a pleasant and refreshing atmosphere. Additional dispensers should be added to protect larger areas.
Restaurants, taverns, institutonal facilities, rest rooms, kitchens, storage areas, garbage areas, and other places where flies or bad odours are an annoyance. Read the can inside to make sure you place the dispenser(s) to maximize your results and comply with restrictions.
Poultry houses, horse stables, cattle barns, hog barns, kennels, and other areas where flies are a problem. Read the can inside to make sure you place the dispenser(s) to maximize your results and comply with restrictions.
For use around the home and cottage in areas where flies, mosquitoes or unwanted odours are a problem. Read the can inside to make sure you place the dispenser(s) to maximize your results and comply with restrictions.